Friday, February 22, 2019

For India Not only economically but also strategically important is Saudi Arabia. (both PM Narendra modi and Mohammed bin Salman)

Saudi Arabia's Yuvraj Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) had come to Delhi, even if it was not the best time to visit him. They have a lot of influence on Pakistan. Diplomatic alternatives are very important through effective personality like MBS to force Pakistan to rein in militants. Two things make Saudi Arabia strategically important. One, there are the highest shrines of Islam, like Mecca-Madina. Two, he has the crude oil wealth, which has given him immense wealth. Right now, Salman is preparing his country for the era, when the economy will not run with crude oil. He has made a very good relationship with America. Unlike expectations, they have also established friendship with Israel to counter the growing influence of Iran. India is in a unique situation in which it has strong relationships with Saudi Arabia, Iran, America and Israelis. Saudi Arabia is strategically important for us, in addition to having uninterrupted supply of crude oil from there, there are 28 lakh Indians working there, who send huge quantities of foreign exchange.
Salmon and narendra modi and Ram Nath Kovind uspotnews

As the Indian economy is growing, Saudi Arabia has good opportunities to sell crude oil here. This is important because, after the Shell Oil Revolution, the dependence of America on Saudi Arabia has decreased for crude oil. Saudi Arabia is an effective member of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). It runs Salman with Muhammad bin Zayed of UAE. Both young leaders are engaged in generous policies in their respective countries. They have been engaged in changing the long-standing conservative mindset. Recently, Pope Francis' Saudi Arabia was organized to give proper messages. Intelligence gathering of India, Saudi Arabia and Israel having a strong relationship and a lot of help in anti-terrorist measures. Seeing the economic side, Saudi Arabian company Saudi Aramco is investing $ 44 billion in India's largest refinery. The trade between the two countries is $ 28 billion, which is very low. Salman's promise to invest $ 100 billion is attractive to the Indian economy.

However, Yaman is an issue which is Saudi Arabia's throat bone. Concerned with the Iranian influence, Saudi Arabia waged a devastating war with the help of other countries. Saudi Arabia wants Pakistan's army to fight this war on its behalf with its resources. Yet, he has not got success in celebrating Pak. In such a case, it is important that India operate its Middle East policy very wisely and maintain balance. Saudi King Salman will play a leading role in future international politics, and seeing this, his current journey is of great importance.
