Thursday, February 7, 2019

Air India breaking advanced technology and security

Two new Boeing 777s installed as India's future long-range VVIP aircraft will have the world's most advanced safety equipment, including missile warning devices and metering systems.
Air India coming with high advanced massive security

The Air India One or Air Force One aircraft (if privatized by Amnesty International), which will soon be launched, will be equipped with an "Aircraft Infrared Self-Protection Unit (LAIRCM), the cost-effective self-protection suite (SPS). estimated at $ 190 million ". The US State Department approved the "Army Sales" of two B777 SPS LAIRCMs.

The Indian government has asked to buy two ... LAIRCM ... Advanced Warfare Electronic Advanced Defensive Suite ... A Countermeasure Distribution System (CMDS) to protect two Boeing-777 Heads of State aircraft. This potential sale will include: twelve sets of laser protection transmitters ... missile warning sensors ... response processing systems ... "The Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA), which the United States Defense, said in a statement "This suite also includes the Advanced Warfare Integrated Electronic Defensive Suites ..."

The Boeing 747, over 26 years old, used today by the president, vice president and prime minister for long international flights, is very safe but, because of their age, fuel. Nor can they travel long-haul routes such as India and the United States without stopping and do so by making a stopover in Europe. AI has four B-747s, two of which are stored to drive the VVIP.

Boeing sent two B777 300 Extended Range (ER) to Air India last January. The airline sent the two men to Fort Worth in Dallas last summer, as it was equipped with the latest security and communications systems to replace the 26-year-old jumbo jet used by the president, vice-president President and Prime Minister for long international flights. Both are with Boeing Defense because of their reinforcement with the latest security and communication systems. The provisional budget presented last week allocated 1,084 crore for the purchase of these two aircraft. Both planes are expected to be in India by the end of the year.
